Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Conficker Worm Help/Info

How your computer gets infected:

Weak passwords (ie: password1, password, or 12345) or no password for your user profile
Conficker can break most common/weak passwords using a brute force technique
Using an infected USB Drive with AutoPlay enable
Using P2P file sharing programs (Limewire and Kazaa)
Not having up to date Anti-Virus software and/or firewall
Using Shared Folders without permission settings and/or weak passwords

How to tell if your computer is infected:
Your computer won't update with the latest Microsoft Updates
You're blocked from using online virus scanners
Your Anti-Virus won't update

To keep yourself protected from Conflicker and other

Use a strong password (numbers, letters, and symbols more than 6 characters long)
Disable AutoPlay
Keep your computer up to date with the latest updates from Microsoft
Keep your Anti-Virus updated and run scans daily
Use a firewalled router between you and the internet
Maintain a backup of your data in case your data is destroyed

Links to Online Virus Scanners and help sites:

Free Virus Scanners:
(only works on IE6,7,or 8)
Panda ActiveScan 2.0
(works on Firefox or
IE6,7,and 8)

Help Sites:
Protect yourself from the Conficker Worm

If you want TallCityTechs to take care of your computer give us a call; you can drop your computer off at our office or we can come to your home.

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